Country: Italy
Astea is a local utility with a majority public shareholding, which operates in the main following public sectors:
  • Distribution of natural gas (28,585 final users; Distributed natural gas: 51,592,684.00 smc)
  • Distribution of water (56,906 final Users ; 7,478,846 m3 of distributed water)
  • District Heating (1,256.00 final users;19,737 MWh of thermal Energy- 4,749 MWh of electric Power)
  • Power Plants management (2,221.00 MWh from Hydro Power Plant ; 363.00 MWh from Photovoltaic Power Plants)
  • 2016 Business Volume: € 38,000,000.00
ASTEA, through its subsidiary DEA (DSO), also manages the electricity distribution service in the municipalities of Osimo (AN) and Recanati (MC) on the basis of the concession granted by the former Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Crafts in compliance with the provisions of Legislative Decree n. 79 of 1999 (Bersani Decree).
The distribution service includes:
- the service of connection to the network: that is the connection of the electrical systems of the customers (consumers and producers) to the network;
- the transport of the power taken or produced on the network.
The electricity distribution network consists of:
- high and medium voltage transformation stations or points of interconnection of the network with high and medium voltage networks managed by Enel Distribuzione, an Enel group company;
- medium voltage networks or networks with voltage over 1 kV and up to 35 kV;
- medium to low voltage transformation stations or points of interconnection between medium and low voltage networks;
- low voltage networks or networks with voltage up to 1 kV. In order to access the distribution service, the final consumer customers or wholesalers (on the mandate of the end customers themselves) must sign a contract for the distribution service in accordance with current legislation.
The economic conditions of the service are regulated by the Authority for Electricity, Gas and the Water System (AEEGSI).
ASTEA will act as a large consumer in the Italian demo; moreover, through its linked party DEA, will also act as the DSO in the Osimo municipal microgrid in the Italian demo site.