3 Aug 2022

A Hungarian team, representing INTERRFACE was selected as the best poster exhibitors at the 20th International Conference on Renewable Energy...Read more

25 Jul 2022

Horizon2020 projects INTERRFACE and CoordiNet published their final joint paper. In this document, they developed recommendations towards the harmonized European flexibility markets based on their...Read more

27 May 2022

Facilitating coordination among TSOs, DSOs and customers - this is the main goal of the Interoperable pan-European Grid Services Architecture (IEGSA), which is the core development of the...Read more

23 May 2022

INTERRFACE project will be presented at the InnoGrid 2022, the signature annual event of ENTSO-E and E.DSO.

This year, the event will take place in 2 parts:

14 June - Projects'...Read more

8 Mar 2022

INTERRFACE project was in serach for 6 innovators who can develop new solutions, tools or services for the project. The selected companies will work on 5 different business use cases in the...Read more

21 Dec 2021

The members of INTERRFACE project consortium selected the 6 innovators that will start developing new, genuine services. The main goal of the winner third party-developers is to implement services...Read more